Wallet for Aztec apps

ShieldSwap SDK allows you to connect your Aztec app to any Aztec wallet.

WalletConnect modal


npm install --save @shieldswap/wallet-sdk@0.76.2

Initialize Aztec PXE

import {  } from "@aztec/aztec.js";

const  = ("http://localhost:8080");

Connect wallet

import {  } from "@shieldswap/wallet-sdk";

const  = new ();

// Opens a popup modal
const  = await .();
.("connected wallet", .().toString());

Send a transaction

account is a drop-in replacement of @aztec/aztec.js AccountWallet. You can send a transaction as you would with an AccountWallet.

import {  } from "@aztec/aztec.js";
import {  } from "@aztec/noir-contracts.js/Token";

// Get currently selected account
const  = .();
if (!) throw new ("Wallet not connected");

// Deploy a token
const  = await .deploy(, .(), "My Token", "MTK", 18)
.("deployed token at address:", .address.toString());

// Mint some tokens to the wallet
const  = await 
  .methods.mint_public(.(), new (100))
.("minted tokens. Tx hash", .txHash.toString());

// Check the balance
const  = await 
.(`balance of ${.()}:`, );

React to user changing accounts

wallet.getAccount() returns the currently selected account. If you want to react to the user changing accounts, you can use the wallet.accountObservable:

  const account = wallet.accountObservable;

{#if $account}
  <p>Connected to {$account.getAddress().toString()}</p>
  <p>Not connected</p>